Monday, January 11, 2021

What in the world is going on???

For some reason, I decided to look up my blog website I created a few years ago, but have not used for many reasons.   Mainly because watching mindless television shows is easier on the brain than actually thinking and contemplating key aspects of my life.  I recently got a book in the mail as part of a Christian-based monthly gift box program that is about making better decisions with fewer regrets.  Most of the time, when each monthly box arrives with a book that is included in its contents, I normally scan the book and decide if it is something to keep for myself to "future" reading, or if it would make a good gift to a friend or relative.  So the book that came this month caught my attention as making better decisions has been very challenging for me this past year (go figure)!!!

Living through a world-wide pandemic is certainly an interesting experience.  Almost everything that I thought was part of my normal world seems to have changed and what is most disturbing is that the idea that I have control over my life choices appears to have been taken from me during most of 2020.  I had to quit watching the news because the insanity I was seeing on the television screen or computer screen seemed to be about violence and chaos that happens in what I had  normally considered third-world countries issues...not the civilized and democratic United States issues.  The affects of living under severe governmental control along with extreme groups forcing their beliefs and opinions on the average citizen has been unbelievable!  Granted that my view of this world and this country is coming from a remote/rural part of America where many of the social issues that are part of metropolitan areas is somewhat jaded--- as my experiences with other ethnic groups and governmental officials has been positive and rewarding experiences.   If I lived in a crowded view of these events may probably be different.   But that is not where I live, and many of the U.S. citizens who live their lives in remote/rural areas really are the backbone of our society.  

So where am I headed with this line of thought....who knows!!  If I allow myself to dwell on the insanity of our country at this time, I can feel myself slipping into depression and discouragement.  I can feel the hope of the future fading and it is harder to keep a positive outlook on life.  But my saving grace is that I am a devout Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ.   I read my Bible everyday and I take to heart the promises that God had made with us....and I know in the end...I will be ok and that He will take care of my needs.  Do you know what a relief that is?   It is freeing and it allows me to gaze out of my front window and be grateful of the beauty that I see.   Each morning is a new opportunity to make choices and decisions that will  hopefully make my life better.   So....I need to get back to reading that book to see what the five questions are for making better decisions with fewer regrets....😏